Stonehearth Wiki





石炉由Radiant Entertainment发行。




  • 由三维像素随机生成,可破坏的世界
  • 可建造或大或小的建筑物,从城市到一个小茶杯
  • 可探索和体验富有角色扮演风格的游戏内容
  • 无论战士还是平民都有丰富的职业选择
  • 即时战略风格的战斗系统,强调宏观策略的选择,不过分着重于个体的战斗




  • 一个与玩家的玩法息息相关的活生生的世界
  • 一个回报提供意见的玩家以丰富体验的综合性游戏系统
  • 一款对模组有极好兼容性的游戏


We know that there are lots of different play-styles for this kind of game. Some players want to focus on building an incredibly awesome city with happy, well-fed citizens. Others focus on building a strong army and exploring/conquering the realm. Many just want to tinker with the simulations in the game world. We want you to play the game the way you want to, so as you play the world will respond to your choices.

Each initial game world is randomly generated, but an AI “dungeon master” observes your behavior and tweaks the content based on your actions. This is always done in a way that is natural and makes sense from a story perspective. For instance, a player who is more aggressive when dealing with local, small-time goblin raiders may find his actions have triggered a long-term war against the goblin nation. Violence begets violence.

So two players with different play-styles, beginning with the exact same starting world, will have very different experiences as the game progresses. We like this for a couple of reasons.

  • Actions have consequences! Are you sure you want to rob that friendly caravan that just visited your town? There may be repercussions down the road.
  • Play the game how you like! The game adapts to feed you the kind of content that you like. There are limits here, of course. Don’t expect to neglect basic defenses just because combat isn’t your favorite thing in the world, nor should blood-hungry players neglect a basic economy and shelter for their citizens.


We’re engineers at heart, so we geek out at complex systems. We design our major gameplay systems like farming, building, and combat according to the “easy to learn, difficult to master” principle.

Take farming as an example. The yield of a particular farm is determined by factors including the quality of the soil, the amount of water nearby, the crop planted, and exposure to varmints looking to devour the crops. If you are really into this kind of stuff, congratulations! There is ample opportunity to greatly optimize the output of your farms through irrigation, fertilization, and varmint-countermeasures like traps and fences.

But if you’re not into this stuff, you can just drag out a farm and accept the base, minimal yield that all farms produce, regardless of how they are managed. Of course this will constrain your food supply and you will have to make up the difference somehow, either by producing food through another means (trapping, trading, or plundering), or just settling for a smaller number of citizens in your town.


Stonehearth is written in C++ and Lua. C++ is used to make the game run better. Lua is used for scripts to edit game properties.

高模组亲和性 分享即关注

We think mods are awesome, especially for sandbox-type games. So we’re building everything: UI, unit AI, scripted scenarios (everything!) with modding in mind. Here are just some of the things you should be able to do in a mod:

  • Reskin the UI or add new UI screens
  • Add new units, monsters, weapons, armor, and other objects
  • Add new scripted adventures, big and small
  • Tweak or totally rewrite the AI for monsters or units
  • Add new textures and graphics to the game
  • Make the sun rise in the west and set in the east (seriously!)

Of course most of the fun in mods is sharing them. Our goal is to have a vibrant community of modders who are continually expanding the things to do and experience in the game.

Mod APIs

As a modder, you will have access to the same APIs we’re using to write the game. We are literally writing the game as a collection of first-party mods. So, with very few exceptions, if the game does it, you can mod it!

Game Play


Alpha 21 UI

The main user interface as of Alpha 21. Also pictured: Debug Tools, top right-hand corner

These keyboard shortcuts are for Stonehearth Alpha 21 and may change in future updates.

With the Latest Update to Alpha 21, users can now rebind their hotkeys! Instructions and example on how to rebind keys from a text editor are located at the bottom of this page.

Menu Controls

Command Function Description
C Shortcut Menu > Manage Citizen
I Shortcut Menu > Town Info
H Shortcut Menu > Harvest > Gather
M Shortcut Menu > Harvest > Mine Tunnel
N Shortcut Menu > Harvest > Mine Block
Z Shortcut Menu > Designate Zones
O Shortcut Menu > Designate Zones > Stockpile
F Shortcut Menu > Designate Zones > Farm
T Shortcut Menu > Designate Zones > Trapping Ground
shift+P Shortcut Menu > Designate Zones > Animal Pasture
B Shortcut Menu > Build & Design > Place Building
shift+B Shortcut Menu > Build & Design > Design Custom Building
P Shortcut Menu > Build & Design > Place Item
L Shortcut Menu > Build & Design > Construct Ladder
R Shortcut Menu > Fight & Defend > Town Defense Mode
7 Shortcut Menu > Fight & Defend > Combat Party 1
8 Shortcut Menu > Fight & Defend > Combat Party 2
9 Shortcut Menu > Fight & Defend > Combat Party 3
0 Shortcut Menu > Fight & Defend > Combat Party 4
shift+L Shortcut Menu > Harvest > Loot
\ Shortcut Toggle Slice Mode
[ Shortcut Move Slice Mode down
] Shortcut Move Slice Mode up
V Shortcut Toggle Building Vision Mode
X Shortcut Toggle X-Ray Mode
ESC Shortcut Game Menu
Shift+1 Shortcut Bulletin Manager
Alt+z Shortcut Toggles UI on/off

Info Dock Controls

These are contextual hotkeys. They activate a button on the Info Dock only if that button exists at the time. The number pressed is the same as the ordering of the buttons from left to right.

Command Function Description
shift+1 Shortcut First Button
shift+2 Shortcut Second Button
shift+3 Shortcut Third Button

Speed Controls

Command Function Description
1 Shortcut Speed: Pause
2 Shortcut Speed: Play
3 Shortcut Speed: Fast Forward
4 Shortcut Speed: Super Fast Forward

WARNING: Before you can use Super Speed, you must enable it in your settings, under the gameplay tab. This may or may not majorly impact your game's performance.

Camera Controls

Command Function Description
W/A/S/D or Arrow Keys Shortcut Camera Move UP/LEFT/DOWN/RIGHT
Space + Mouse Drag Shortcut Camera Drag
- or Mouse Scroll DOWN Shortcut Camera Zoom OUT
= or Mouse Scroll UP Shortcut Camera Zoom IN
Mouse Right-Click + Mouse Drag Shortcut Camera Rotate
Q or Shift+Left Shortcut Camera Rotate LEFT
E or Shift+Right Shortcut Camera Rotate RIGHT
Shift+S Shortcut Camera Rotate Down
Shift+W Shortcut Camera Rotate Up
J Shortcut Follow Hearthling

Item Controls

Command Function Description
, Shortcut Item Rotate LEFT
. Shortcut Item Rotate RIGHT

Debug Controls

Command Function Description
Left CTRL Debug Overlays Graphics Statistics
Right CTRL Debug Show Wireframe View
F1 Debug Shows Terrain Chunks
F5 Debug Reload the UI
shift + F5 Debug Quick Save followed by Quick Load (resets the AI)
F6 Debug Quick Save
F7 Debug Quick Load
F9 Debug Shows Path Finding Engine
F10 Debug Rendering memory usage
F11 Debug Shows Interference/Collision

To enable Debug controls, edit the file user_settings.json in the main stonehearth program folder to include the following:

  • "enable_debug_keys" : true
  • ensure you put a comma after each entry except for last one

Rebinding Keys in a Text Editor

Step 1: Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth, (Or wherever StoneHearth is located on your computer) and open up "User_settings.json", and "stonehearth.json". Using what is in stonehearth.json as a reference, add a section to user-settings called "user_bindings", and add what shortcuts you wish to change. Then, simply change "combo1". Viola! You've re-binded your keys.

Example code in stonehearth.json

"bindings": {
      "citizen:manager": {
         "combo1": "c", 
         "combo2": ""
      "vision:xray:toggle": {
         "combo1": "x", 
         "combo2": ""
      "vision:slice:toggle": {
         "combo1": "\\", 
         "combo2": ""
      "town:overview": {
         "combo1": "i", 
         "combo2": ""
(more keybindings)

Example code in User_settings.json

	"user_id" : "cfb2e056-0a85-11e7-a3a9-f8cab8643ca9",
	"user_bindings" : {
      		"citizen:manager": {
        		 "combo1": "c", 
        		 "combo2": ""
      		"vision:xray:toggle": {
        		 "combo1": "x", 
        		 "combo2": ""
      		"vision:slice:toggle": {
         		"combo1": "\\", 
         		"combo2": ""
      		"town:overview": {
         		"combo1": "i", 
         		"combo2": ""
	"enable_auto_save" : false,
(more user settings)